Awesome Hono

A curated list of awesome stuff related to Hono

Submission guide

First of all, thank you for making an application with Hono and taking the time to submit! In this page, we will give you an instruction on how you can add your work to our list.

Awesome Hono is open-sourced at a GitHub repository and the list is managed as JSON files in the assets/static directory. Submission is basically done through the following steps.

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Check out a new branch with a comprehensive name.
  3. Append your project to the category it fits best.
  4. Run npm test to make sure the submission is well-formed.
  5. Commit the change and create a pull request.

In the next section, we will describe what information about your project needs to be added in step 3.

Required information

Each entry is represented as a JSON object containing the following keys:

Key nameDescriptionRequiredType
idIdentifier of the entry. Must be unique within the same category.Yesstring
nameConcise name of the entry.Yesstring
summaryShort description of the entry.Yesstring
urlURL of the entry.Yesstring
propertiesAdditional information of the entry. Required by some categories.NoRecord<string, string>

The properties key is optional, meaning that some categories require it to be present while others do not. Categories that require the properties key and its contents are explained below.


Applications category's properties key consists of the following JSON object. All keys are required.
Key nameDescriptionType
isHobbytrue if the entry is a small-scale hobby app, false otherwise.boolean